Miscellaneous Issue

Volume 2, Number 1, June 2016

Edited by

Lioba Lenhart & Susan Reynolds Whyte

Editorial Note (view in pdf) by Lioba Lenhart, JPSS Editor-in-Chief

Beyond Dichotomies – Complexifying Intergenerational Debates and Discourses on the Post-War Society in Northern Uganda (view in pdf) by Julia Vorhölter

Rebel Kinship and Love within the Lord’s Resistance Army (view in pdf) by Sam Dubal

Post-war Development and Camp-site Graves: The Politics of Reburials in former Pabbo IDP Camp, Acholiland (view in pdf) by Ina Rehema Jahn

Ambivalent Places of Memory: Mass Graves in Teso (view in pdf) by Anne Wermbter

Kasubi Tombs: Reconstruction of a World Heritage Site in Uganda (view in pdf) by Clara Himmelheber

Research Note:

Paula Hirsch Foster: Anthropology and Land Tensions in Acholiland, 1954-1958 (view in  pdf) by Martha Lagace

Notes on Contributors (view in pdf)