Notes on Contributors

Kamilla Bjørkøe Jensen received her training from the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. She now works as a research assistant at the Research Unit, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark.

Email: kamilla.h.j[at]

Mia Jess was trained at the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. She works as a research assistant at the Danish Knowledge Centre for Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, University of Southern Denmark.

Email: jss.mia[at]

Kamila Krygier is a Hong Kong PhD Fellow at the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. She has master’s degrees in psychology and intercultural conflict management. She worked for six years in Uganda for the German Association for Development Cooperation in the Civil Peace Service Program. During this time she was based as advisor and peace worker first at the Justice and Peace Commission of the Gulu Archdiocese and then at the John Paul II Justice and Peace Centre. Her current research interests include conflict transformation, transitional justice and in particular the social psychology perspective on dealing with the past.

Email: krygier[at]

Lioba Lenhart is an associate professor at the Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS) of Gulu University, Uganda. Before she joined Gulu University, she taught at the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne and the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, European Network on Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA) Programme, Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany). She carried out long-term ethnographic field research in Malaysia, Indonesia and Uganda and published two books, several edited volumes and numerous articles. She has also worked as a trainer and consultant in the field of crisis prevention, conflict transformation and peace building in Germany, Indonesia and Uganda. Her current research interests include culture as a source of conflict and resource for conflict transformation and peace building, conflicts over land and natural resources, human-wildlife conflict, mental health in post-conflict situations and public-police relationships.

Email: l.lenhart[at]

Sung-Joon Park

Sung-Joon Park is an assistant professor at the Institute for Anthropology of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. Before joining the Institute for Anthropology in Halle, he taught at the University of Leipzig. He conducted his PhD research on the logistics of mass HIV treatment in Uganda between 2009 and 2011, which was funded by the Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle and the German Research Foundation. He co-edited the book World of Indicators: the making of governmental knowledge through quantification (2015). His research interests are in the field of Science and Technology Studies and Medical Anthropology. More specifically he is interested in infrastructure, medical humanitarianism, scientific knowledge production, and care. His recent project studies ‘Trust in medicine in the aftermath of Ebola outbreaks’, in collaboration with various African and German universities including Gulu University.

Email: sung.park[at]

Adrian Sutton

Adrian Sutton is Visiting Professor of Psychiatry at Gulu University, Northern Uganda. He is Director of the Squiggle Foundation, holds honorary positions at the University of Manchester‘s Medical School and Humanitarian & Conflict Response Institute and is a member of the BMJ Ethics Committee. He qualified as a medical practitioner at University College London and trained in Infant, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Tavistock Clinic, London. He was Consultant in Child & Family Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Winnicott Centre, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospitals from 1986-2009. His research and clinical interests are in the application of psychoanalytic ideas in child and family mental health practice and training. He was previously a Director of Studies and Academic Lead for Ethics & Law at Manchester Medical School. His principle current work is in the integration and application of psychodynamic principles in health, education and social welfare policy and practice.

Email: Adrian.Sutton[at]

Karin van Bemmel

Karin van Bemmel graduated in anthropology and psychology at the University of Utrecht. She is currently finalising her PhD on local discourses and the conceptualisation of nodding syndrome in northern Uganda at the Department of Languages and Cultures at Ghent University. Her research interests include the connections between illness experience and the trauma of past conflict. Previously, she carried out ethnographic fieldwork in Guatemala, Kenya and Tanzania and published articles in several international journals.

Email: karin.vanbemmel[at]

Susan Reynolds Whyte

Susan Reynolds Whyte is a professor in the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. She has carried out fieldwork in Kenya, Tanzania, and mostly in Uganda where she began working in 1969. Her interests are in the ways that families and societies try to secure well-being. She studies the management of misfortune and uncertainty, disability, the uses of medicines, mental health, and chronic illnesses. Her research in northern Uganda addresses changing relations of gender and generation, and attempts to find new social forms in the aftermath of war. Her most recent edited book is a collaborative effort entitled Second Chances: Surviving AIDS in Uganda (Duke University Press, 2014).

Email: susan.reynolds.whyte[at]