Okot p’Bitek and the Resources of Acoli Culture

There is salt in it,

Gargle it.

Clean your mouth

Spit out the insults with the water!

The abuses you learnt

From your white masters

And son of the Bull

When you are completely cured

Go to the shrine of your fathers

Prepare a feast,

Give blood to your ancestors

Let the elders

Spit blessing on you

Let them intercede for you

Beg forgiveness from them

And ask them to give you

A new spear

A new spear with a sharp and hard point

A spear that will crack the rock

Ask them to restore your manhood

For I am sick

Of sharing a bed with a woman!

Ask them to forgive

Your past stupidity,

May they take away all your shyness

Deceit, childish pride, and sharp tongue!

For when you insulted me,

You were insulting your grandfather

And your grandmothers, your father and mother!

You were abusing your entire people [blacks]

When you have recovered properly

Go to your old mother

And ask for forgiveness from her

Let her spit blessings in your hands.