About the Journal

The Journal of Peace and Security Studies (JPSS) is a peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal, published by Gulu University with support from the Building Stronger Universities programme, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Journal publishes articles within social sciences and humanities: anthropology, education, political science, economics, history, literature, psychology, religion, public health, law, and studies of development, environment, conflict, and displacement. Articles that cut across disciplinary boundaries are particularly welcome. Uganda is a key research focus for the Journal, but contributions from the whole East African region and beyond are encouraged as well. The Journal actively seeks to publish studies that can help to develop a comparative perspective on human security in the broadest sense.

JPSS is published periodically. Issues devoted to specific topics and edited by invited guests alternate with miscellaneous issues.


IPSS and the editors of JPSS would like to thank the Danish Research Council for Development Research and the research project ‘Governing Transition in Northern Uganda: Trust and Land’ (aka ‘TrustLand’) jointly implemented by IPSS, the Department of Culture and Society of Aarhus University and the Department of Anthropology of the University of Copenhagen for financial and scholarly support.